(option 1) The Simons and Veronicas

As Simon of Cyrene helped carry Jesus' cross and Veronica offered comfort with her veil, so do the RCPM volunteers journey alongside inmates and ex-offenders, shouldering their burdens and offering solace in their darkest moments. In this ministry of accompaniment, volunteers bring the light of faith and hope into places of great need. 

Just as Simon and Veronica received a lasting imprint from their encounter with Christ, these volunteers too find themselves deeply transformed—touched by God’s grace through their journey with those seeking redemption and a path to a new life.  

Here are some of their stories...

The Chronicles of Nardia
- The counseling, the Bible and the change

How journeying with our fellow sister in Christ in prison has changed my life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Qui sapiente accusantium in molestiae provident id repudiandae repellendus At facere magni qui commodi dicta. Sit maxime unde sit vitae recusandae non deserunt minus aut dolorem dignissimos quo quibusdam quia eum animi quaerat ex sunt aliquam. Et aliquam explicabo aut iure deserunt eos aliquam reprehenderit est galisum dolorum aut esse iste ut quidem quasi et perspiciatis praesentium?

Ex voluptatem rerum cum impedit cupiditate et odit quos est pariatur laborum est optio galisum. Ut aperiam tempore sed nihil velit et quibusdam mollitia id modi nihil.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Qui sapiente accusantium in molestiae provident id repudiandae repellendus At facere magni qui commodi dicta. Sit maxime unde sit vitae recusandae non deserunt minus aut dolorem dignissimos quo quibusdam quia eum animi quaerat ex sunt aliquam. Et aliquam explicabo aut iure deserunt eos aliquam reprehenderit est galisum dolorum aut esse iste ut quidem quasi et perspiciatis praesentium?

Ex voluptatem rerum cum impedit cupiditate et odit quos est pariatur laborum est optio galisum. Ut aperiam tempore sed nihil velit et quibusdam mollitia id modi nihil.

"Take and read... take and read"

Male ex-inmate story - Lorem Ipsum

Such are the men who seek your face, O Lord
(Psalms 23)

inmate story - 

Little Women, Big Changes 

Female inmate story

Rebel Without a Cause: Reforming Juvenile Delinquents 

Juvenile inmate story

Girl Interrupted

Female juvenile story